UPDATE – The issue regarding the “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cucumber/runtime/io/URLOutputStream” exception has been fixed, as per the artifact author, with the latest release. …
NEW Posts – Generating Spark and Pdf Extent Report for “Rest Assured with Maven plugin” and “Rest Assured and Cucumber…
NEW Posts – Generating Spark and Pdf Extent Report for “Rest Assured with Maven plugin” and “Rest Assured and Cucumber…
Introduction This article deals with running Cucumber JVM in parallel using TestNG and Maven. The Maven Failsafe plugin is used…
Introduction This article deals with running Cucumber JVM in parallel using JUnit4 and Maven. The Maven Failsafe plugin is used…
Introduction This article looks at filtering options to execute specific scenarios. These can be set on the runner class through…
Introduction What to do when existing Cucumber plugins do not meet ones requirements? Cucumber allows custom plugins to be created…
The announcement of Cucumber-JVM 2.0.0 introduced significant changes, including change of the Maven groupId. The Maven groupId was changed from info.cukes…
What happens if one has existing data, possibly a large amount, in an excel sheet and wants to use cucumber…
Introduction XStream was removed from Cucumber-JVM in version 3 for various reasons. Though it reduced a lot of complexities, it removed…